Icarus Incorporated

Icarus Incorporated

Aman ki Awaz

This project provided an opportunity to develop messaging acceptable by a diverse ethnic population of a megacity. It was a challenging project which developed our expertise in designing such messages which are widely acceptable by a diverse population without challenging the religious or political affiliations of any group. 

    • Media and Communications
    • DAI
    • 01-01-2017
This project provided an opportunity to develop messaging acceptable by a diverse ethnic population of a megacity. It was a challenging project which developed our expertise in designing such messages which are widely acceptable by a diverse population without challenging the religious or political affiliations of any group. 

Karachi is a megacity that was stricken by violence (an ethnic, sectarian, and political conflict which later provided the opportunity for banned terrorists of TTP, LJ, etc.), and as a result, has faced a build-up of narratives that are divisive and look to exploit the multitude of divides present in the city. These narratives serve not just as a means for VE groups to further entrench local communal divides & conflicts but also act as creating an atmosphere that radical groups can then exploit for recruits, isolating youth from the city as a whole and their communities as well. 

To mitigate the effectiveness and dissemination of such divisive narratives and to amplify positive voices of peaceful Karachi youth, local opinion leaders, and other relevant stakeholders. ‘Aman ki Awaz’ was launched in 2017 to create a counter-narrative of peace, tolerance, and acceptance of Karachi’s diverse peoples and populace. By using the medium of radio – which is easily accessible and has the greatest amount of listenership compared to accessibility – such voices were amplified, and messages of peace were disseminated for the greatest effect. A strategic communications campaign to counter VE narratives perpetrated in Karachi by radical and militant organizations.