Icarus Incorporated

Icarus Incorporated

Haq Haqdaar Tak (District Level Engagement Program – DLEP) Phase 1, 2, 3 & 4

    • Home, Media and Communications, PR/GR
    • Ministry of Information, Broadcasting & National Heritage through Pakistan Peace Collective
    • 01-01-2019

Icarus Incorporated co-designed & implemented District Level Engagement Program (DLEP) under the title ‘Haq Haqdar Tak’. The aim of 4 years long program was to directly reach out to people at grassroots level engaging donors and influencers, policy makers and implementers, policy influencers and watchdogs as well as masses at large regarding Safer Charity Practices.


DLEP was designed to aid common citizens in their charitable decision-making process so that they become vigilant and, exercise caution while donating; ensuring that their hard-earned money is not misused for funding dubious entities, terrorist, extremist and criminal activities.

The project methodology was based on ICE&MM (Icarus Community Engagement and Mobilization Model) that characterizes a series of corresponding activities to achieve perception and behavior transformation. 

During the initial phase of the program, Key focus remained pivoted around generating awareness and visibility while seeking partnerships with potential platforms. Along with creating awareness, the focus of the second phase shifted towards strengthening partnerships with community influential groups and policy influencers to kindle the process of policy reforms. The last two stages of the program primarily focused on advocacy efforts for legislation on safer charity bill through engagement with parliamentarians, policy makers and other key influential. Volunteer networks (DLGs) were strengthened and activated to create an enabling environment.

DLEP program directly played a vital role in the eventual digitization of charities and helped produce a meaningful legislation in the form of ‘Charities Act’ in Punjab, KPK, AJK and Giglit Baltistan.